Fortune Island

Beauty in Isolation – Fortune Island, Nasugbu


Real Quezon River Rafting Is Now Open!

Are you and your friends vaccinated? You can now try River Rafting in Real Quezon! Dec-Feb is the perfect time to visit because of the rapids! We are now offering again Joiner and Private tours. Message us to inquire.

Posted by The WanderWalkers on Friday, November 19, 2021

What to do when you feel like your body has been overused from work? Well I grab the nearest opportunity to damp my feet on the ocean or any nature adventure. That’s how I end up discovering this hidden beauty of Fortune Island in Nasugbu, Batangas. The week of October has been jam-packed with business travels to Isabela, Iloilo and Cebu, and Manila events that I feel like the work-life imbalance has becoming more and more unhealthy. Although I’ve been trying my best to maximize my business trips by side tripping to nature spots in those areas, the spare time I have is really not gonna work for me.

Last October 21, Wednesday, I had another launch event where one of my partners happened to invite me again to her weekend trip. Joyce has been so persistent to invite me to her climbs and other adventure but I would just always not be free on a Saturday, except this one. So I said an impulsive YES to her Fortune Island Getaway with her group of 11 friends/acquaintances. I did not think of the budget, I did not think of how an effort it is for me to be with unknown people on an adventure, I did not mind waking up very early as in 3 am on a Saturday. All I care about was to go somewhere else I haven’t been to and be refreshed by the nature. Three days after, I was already on a boat, first one to have hopped in, and on my way to a place I have never even heard of prior to that week.
I have read a couple of blogs about Fortune Island and have discovered that it was an abandoned resort. No electricity, no fresh water, no wash rooms. But I don’t mind. It was a day trip anyway. The island seems a lonely one but when once you see a glimpse of its white sand and Grecian architectures, you’ll realize that sometimes beauty is preserved by mystery and solitude.
What I love about this trip is that it’s so worry free. I was not in charged of anything. The people I’m with, I’m joining for the first time so I don’t feel the sense of responsibility. Haha. I can just wander around if I want. But these people are really awesome and fun. I/m really grateful to have experienced this with them. 🙂 A lot of high places too, and there’s an option for you to cliff dive. 🙂





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This is not an itinerary blog so I wont go to the details of how to go there and stuff. 🙂 But overall, this is a highly -reommended escapade that is a cheap alternative for a day trip.


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